Thursday, February 22, 2007

Vista's UAC (User Account Control) is flawed

Even Joanna Rutkowska is complaining about the insecurity of UAC (which she calls "a big joke").
It is a burden for users and doesn't help security at all; it doesn't make the PC easier to use and it doesn't make it safer.
Symantec says that Vista's UAC is hopeless.
Bruce Schneier, a famous security expert, calls it a "security hole".

Mac users, buy the pop-corn and watch Vista get '0wn3d' by Rootkit.

1 comment:

Mario said...

Joanna Rutkowska also wrote other 2 articles about UAC:
Running Vista Evey Day
Confusion about the "Joke Post"

Symantec isn't so impartial... they just want to sell their UAC-surrogate.

MacUsers They are trying to find something to do, since they can't do nothing with their (toy) system. I think that to see a good film would be a better choice.
Note that the rootkit called Blue Pill (found by Joanna Rutkowska, the only one of the person you quoted that really thinks) isn't a Windows exclusive but could work with every operating system.